The first Railway Gardens Harvest Festival was a blooming success!

- written by Caitlin Rowen with contributions from the Growing Group at Railway Gardens

Our first, volunteer-led, Railway Gardens Harvest Celebration was a way of thanking our local community for their support and to invite them to share in the progress we have made in building a thriving community environment which strives to care for our environment whilst creating connection and an ethos of learning across the ages.

From DIY wildflower bouquets, recipe swapping, paper pot making, homemade cakes, a natural children’s play area, bread making, to raffle prizes, plant give-aways and ‘guess the amount of coriander seeds’ – there really was something for everyone. 

A big thank you to the very generous public who came along to celebrate with our dedicated team of volunteers who are out gardening no matter what the often rainy Welsh weather brings. It was a truly memorable day with miles of smiles!

We managed to raise a total of £170 from donations and everyone’s participation and contributions were deeply appreciated, helping Railway Gardens continue to care for their wonderful green spaces.  Diolch yn Fawr pawb!

P.S. A note from the Railway Gardens team: We want to add that we could not be more impressed with what this wonderful group have people have achieved since coming together. Following on from an impressive harvest they organised a brilliant and welcoming event and have been braving the recent awful weather to care for the gardens. An extra shout out to Liz and Linette for their planning, Mei for photography, Helen for her support, Forces of Nature for making apple-print cards to sell, and Molly for teaching bread making. Also to Food Cardiff for supporting this event as part of the 2023 harvest festival. 

Come and see the Growing Group at our Christmas Fair on December 9th where they will be selling plant and herb bundles, plus you can find out how to get involved. 

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