where is Railway Gardens?

And what to expect when you get here! 

We know that visiting somewhere new can feel challenging, so on this page we've brought together everything you need to know to prepare for your visit. If you have any questions about coming you can also contact us using the form below or by calling 07704 605197

How do I find Railway Gardens?

We are at the end of Adeline Street in Splott, very close to the junction of Splott Road and Adeline Street. The map on the right shows our location. We have big green gates and a large ‘Railway Gardens’ sign.

Our postcode is CF24 2BH. Putting ‘Railway Gardens’ into Google Maps usually works too. 

We also have a What3Words which is send.along.birds.

Our friends at Cardiff People First have kindly made some videos showing how to get to us from Newport Road and from the City Circle Bus stop, as well as what to expect when you get here. 

When is Railway Gardens open?

We are usually open for people to come in and look around or spend time here between 10am – 3pm on Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and 10:30 – 12:30 on Fridays and Saturdays. However, this does depend on whether we have enough staff and volunteers, so please check our programme before you come to see if we have any planned closures.  

You are welcome to come in to look around, sit and relax, read a book, meet friends, bring your lunch or a coffee. You can help yourself to herbs and salad when they are growing. Please make yourself at home and treat Railway Gardens as your own back garden. 

You can also charge your phone for free using the plug sockets in Y Nyth, the wooden building at the back. These plugs are powered by wind and sun! Please ask someone if you’re not sure how to work them.

The cafe, Seal and Bear, is usually open 10:30am – 3:30pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, but again please check their facebook page to see if they are open. 

We have lots of special events, groups and meetups. You can find everything on our programme here. 

It is free to come in, and most of our events are free or less than £5.

How accessible is Railway Gardens?

The site is gravel with plastic grid pathing suitable for wheelchairs and pushchairs to all structures. We don’t have any steep slopes or uneven ground

We have an accessible toilet with an emergency alarm. This cubicle includes a baby changing table. 

We have outdoor seating around the site including a wheelchair accessible picnic table. 

We have a number of low/ wheelchair accessible raised beds for gardening. We also have a higher raised bed which may be more comfortable for those who would find it difficult to bend. 

Out outdoor classroom, Y Nyth, has a ramp with hand rails and is fully accessible. Our Community Room has a ramp.

We are a breastfeeding friendly site. 

If you need a quiet space on site to pray, breastfeed in privacy, or simply have a calm moment, please ask a member of the team and we will provide a space if we can.

Railway Gardens is directly beside the railway line, so the trains do pass close by. Although they are generally fairly quiet they can occasionally be noisy or honk their horns. 

We always welcome feedback on how we can make the site more accessible to all, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have feedback, comments, or suggestions.

Still have questions? Please use the form below to get in touch and we'll be happy to help.

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