The Big Splott Seed Swap: 15th February 2025

Feeling excited about the new growing season? Us too!

Our Big Splott Seed Swap is back for its third year – in this blog you’ll find everything you need to know about this exciting event. 

The essentials: What, when, where
selective focus photography of Hollyhock cards

What is the seed swap? – A seed swap is a great way to pick up some seeds for your garden, get advice on growing them and chat with other gardeners

When– Saturday 15th February: 11:00-2:00pm 

Where– Railway Gardens CF24 2BH 

Is it free?– Yes it is! It is a drop in event, but please register if you’d like a reminder nearer the day

Do we need volunteers?– Yes please! There’s more information on this below 

Event run down
Our seed swap is back and bigger than ever! This is a great opportunity whether you’re a regular gardener or if you’re just starting and want to learn some tips. 
  • You don’t need to have brought seeds for the swapping in order to take seeds home- everyone is welcome to take some seeds
  • As well as the swapping, there will be a mini market with a gardening theme – see below
  • The GoodShed will be doing tool sharpening and showing you how to do it yourself. Bring along any garden tools if they need freshening up!
  • There will be a garden ‘bring and take’ where you can find pots, gardening books and more 
  • You can chat with other urban growers to get tips and advice for your garden 
  • Seal and Bear Cafe will be open for lunch and drinks
Stalls and mini market

We have lots of amazing community groups and stalls joining us this year, including:

  •  Global Gardens– they are bringing lovely locally saved seeds to sell and to swap 
  • StarGarAllot– this group will be joining us for the seed swap by providing information on how to get involved in local growing projects
  • Cardiff Salad Garden– this group will be teaching us how to learn new gardening skills and how to get involved in other local projects
  • Railway Gardens Growing Group– will be running a beautiful mosaic activity using out of date seeds

In our mini-market section of the seed swap, we’ll also be welcoming some amazing local stalls including: 

  • Tony’s Terrariums– they will be running a terrarium making workshop at 3:00pm on the day of the swap 
  • Gwen Ysgafn– will be selling beautiful everlasting flowers and nature inspired lino prints 
  • Plant and Pot– will be selling gorgeous house plants and accessories
Do you have seeds or gardening gear to donate?

If you can’t make it along on the day but would like to donate something then you can drop off any donations of seeds, gardening books, tools, and equipment any time between now and the event during our opening hours.

  • Low date seeds and half used packets are welcome
  • For home saved seeds please try and include the date on the packet 
  • Please don’t bring pots – we have LOADS! Thank you. 
Could you lend a hand at this event?

If you’re interested in getting involved in the event, we are looking for volunteers to help out on the day as well as helpers to sort seeds beforehand. Please email 

See you at the seed swap!

If you want to come along to get some great seeds, some great tools and some great advice for your garden, this click the button below to find out more and register. We hope to see you there! 

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