We have some wonderful news! Thanks to funding from Natural Resources Wales we will be able to start hosting educational visits from the autumn term.

We are pleased to announce that we have received funding from Natural Resources Wales through their Shared Outcomes fund for Green Tracks, a two year education and youth project. This funding will enable us to…
- construct an outdoor classroom for school, groups and families to learn comfortably at the Gardens;
- Employ a part time Education and Youth Officer for two years to bring learning on site to life;
- Lead a wide range of educational and wellbeing activities on site and in the community;
- Build a supply of outdoor learning resources.
Our outdoor classroom should be ready to use by mid-October, and from this point onwards in the autumn term we are excited to begin welcoming schools on site to explore a range of biodiversity, sustainability, community, and wellbeing topics. Schools are invited to come for a one-off workshop or book a seasonal visit to discover and celebrate the natural world throughout the year. Young people will be able to investigate renewable energy, soil, urban wildlife, food waste and lots more! If you’re a teacher, involved with a school or youth group, or a home schooler and you’d like to receive more information when we launch our full schools offer then please pop an email to hannah@greensquirrel.co.uk.
Education visits will be led by our new Education and Youth Officer – could this be the perfect role for you? We’re seeking someone who is comfortable working with all ages, from EYFS to Key Stage three, as well as working with families and supporting our upcoming monthly intergenerational sessions. Recruitment will begin on August 16th, and if you’d like us to send you the job application pack on this date please email hannah@greensquirrel.co.uk
We’d like to express our grateful thanks to Natural Resources Wales for making the Green Tracks project possible.