We are excited to announce the first ever Railway Gardens growing contest! Both children and adults are invited to take part and battle to see who can grow the biggest pumpkin or the tallest sunflower.
How to take part
1. You can take part in either the sunflower or pumpkin growing competition – or try both! Use the form below to let us know you’re taking part so we can keep in touch.
2. Download our Growing Guide and Record Sheet to find all the advice you need and space to record how your plant is growing.
3. Sow your seeds! Families can get started with us by coming along to our Forces of Nature Holiday Club on April 5th or April 12th (register your place here) where you’ll receive seeds, pots, composts, labels, a printed Growing Guide and help to sow your seeds. We’ll be using ‘Giraffe’ variety sunflowers and ‘Mammoth’ variety pumpkins for some GIANT results, but if you’re going to be sowing your own seeds then you can use any kind you like. If you need seeds don’t forget to come and check out our Community Seed Library; you can browse it any time the site is open – you can also collect free pots from us if you need them.
4. Care for your growing plant and keep an eye out for an email from us in the summer – we’ll be checking in on how your growing is going, announcing our contest prizes, and providing further details on how to enter your sunflower or pumpkin. In the meantime if you have any questions, or want to share your plant progress pics with us, then email us un hannah@greensquirrel.co.uk or share with us on social @bemoresquirrel.
5. Good luck and happy growing!