New year’s resolutions I have failed to keep in the past:
Eat one beetroot every week
Learn to crochet
Do the splits
Tame a crow and teach it to spy on my enemies
This year is going to be different. With COP26 behind us and climate tipping points dangerously close, I am committing to scale up my action for climate and nature in the year ahead, and I invite you to join me.
In 2022, we want to make it easy for you to set – and keep – one or more planet-minded resolutions. To do this, we’ve put together a list of practical, measurable, and achievable actions for you to pick from, plus we’re offering everyone who signs up to The Something Club between now and January 31st a discounted rate, for life, of just £6/ month. Not heard of The Something Club yet? Read on to find out more!
But first – what makes a resolution stick? Here are our top tips for making sure our big plans aren’t forgotten by January 3rd.
Tell other people about it.
This is a powerful climate action all on its own! Once you’ve decided what you want to do in the year ahead, spread the word. Post about it on social media (tag us @bemoresquirrel so we can say a big well done!), tell your family, your colleagues, the members of your choir or running group. “So – made any new year’s resolutions?” comes up a lot in conversation at this time of year, so be loud and proud about your year of climate action.
Make time for it.
I used to have what my partner called ‘Hannah’s Busybody Hour’ – an evening once a week where I would sit down for half an hour or so with a cup of tea (and ideally a cake) and make time to make my climate goals a reality. That could mean taking time to switch my bank or energy provider, sending emails to brands of political representatives, reading or learning, or researching an ethical purchase. Booking out a little time for personal activism can feel like a fairly radical act when our lives are so busy, but it will definitely help us all make climate action a regular part of our lives.
Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.
This is not an all or nothing thing, and doing something will always be better than doing nothing. So if things don’t go quite to plan, regroup and keep going. Every choice that you make with climate in mind, matters.
Find support.
This is one way in which we can help! The Something Club is a friendly and welcoming online community of people taking action. As a member, you’ll have access to a monthly programme of live online events to help you develop sustainable skills, but you’ll also join our community space, a private online platform for discussion, sharing, and support for your climate action journey. Sign up before January 31st and you can join for a reduced monthly price of £6 (usually £8) and annual price of £60 (usually £80)
Be specific
It’s always easier to stick to something when we know exactly what we’re aiming for, and when we have achieved it. To lend a hand with this, we’ve come up with a juicy list of possible resolutions for you to choose from, below. Some of these are about taking the first steps, others are about scaling up your action, and some focus on individual lifestyle change and others are linked to collective movements.
How to claim your discounted membership
It is easy! Simply choose one or more resolutions from the list below, fill in your email address, and press send. We’ll then reveal a discount code that you can use to sign up for a membership any time before February 1st and claim your reduced monthly or annual price.